General Location: North, very remote part of the Refuge.
Trail: Red Trail.
GPS Coordinates for Campsite: 31°00'58.4"N, 82°15'23.8"W or 31.016233, -82.256600
Type of Camping: Platform in water. No dry land.
Mileage to Other Points of Interest:
Kingfisher Landing - 12 miles
Big Water – 9 miles
Notes: For strong paddlers only. The paddle from Kingfisher to Maul Hammock can be a
challenge. It’s nearly all open prairie and grasslands. This can make the 12 mile haul seem much
longer than it already is. There are no rest stops or places to get out and stretch your legs.
At night, to the north, you’ll see some faint Waycross, GA lights. The campsite has a vault/pit toilet.
GPS Coordinates for Map Below:
GPS-1: Green Trail intersection – EAST
30°57'16.0"N, 82°09'06.7"W or 30.954456, -82.151847
GPS-2: Green Trail intersection – WEST
30°52'31.8"N, 82°18'09.1"W or 30.875492, -82.302518
GPS-3: Orange Trail intersection
30°50'05.5"N, 82°20'35.4"W or 30.834862, -82.343155