General Location: North of the middle of the Refuge.
Trail: Green Trail.
GPS EAST Access to Island: 30°51'22.4"N, 82°15'52.3"W or 30.856217, -82.264533
GPS WEST Access to Island: 30°51'22.6"N, 82°16'04.4"W or 30.856267, -82.267883
Lots of Camping Options: You can camp in the Floyds Island hunting cabin, on the front porch,
or pitch your tent or hammock in front of the cabin. There’s no electricity or potable water.
Mileage to Other Points of Interest:
Stephen C. Foster State Park - 9 miles
Suwannee Canal Recreation Area – 13 miles
Canal Run – 5 miles
Round Top – 6 miles
Big Water – 8 miles
Bluff Lake – 9 miles
Mixons Hammock – 11 miles
Notes: Camp in the cabin – a unique & enjoyable experience. Crossing the island requires
1,300 ft. / 0.25 mile portage; a portage cart is provided. The portage is not difficult. Has a fire
ring for campfires. Note: Vault/pit toilet is on east side near water access.
GPS Coordinates for Map Below:
GPS-1: Red Trail intersection – EAST
30°57'16.0"N, 82°09'06.7"W or 30.954456, -82.151847
GPS-2: Blue Trail intersection
30°50'43.8"N, 82°15'11.5"W or 30.845498, -82.253180
GPS-3: Red Trail intersection – WEST (not shown on map below)
30°52'31.8"N, 82°18'09.1"W or 30.875492, -82.302518